The Sacred Life List Method

This is a proven method to help overwhelmed working women reclaim their inner peace without adding to their already impossibly long to-do list.

With this method, my clients have been able to strengthen their relationships, improve their financial situation, create a healthy diet and fitness routine, and renew their life balance.

Simply put, we combine science and "woo" using a specially crafted recipe of Law of Attraction, Neuro-lingusitic Programming, and a healthy mix of science-backed self-care practices to help women redesign their lives and focus on simple things they can do daily for their mental health.

What exactly is the Sacred Life List Method and what does the 12-Week Program do?

The Sacred Life List Method is a simple and highly effective system for goal-setting, tracking, and time-management organization. It allows you to set your priorities, get clear on your intentions to the Universe, and create an easy to implement, actionable plan together where you also get the utmost support and encouragement.

The Sacred Lifestyle Renewal course Includes:

  • A life balance diagnostic evaluation and analysis of your current lifestyle, and where exactly Sacred Life List will help
  • The goal-setting workbook to get clear on your main goals and obstacles that might derail you
  • A financial worksheet to help you dream big and see where you can streamline your spending and savings
  • The Sacred Life List Method journal to use to support you during your 12 weeks
  • Printouts and videos detailing exact steps you can take right away... in short videos that you can binge on or watch in small doses at your leisure

It also includes: reasonable email contact and text messaging for personal help when you find yourself struggling.

  • Stay accountable with "Real Time Goal Tracker," that uses cloud-share technology to document your goals and mark them complete. (I personally review your consistency and identify areas you need support)
  • Open Door Hours 2-3 days a week where you can come online and pick my brain: discuss your goals, tweaks you need to make, or brainstorm ideas for self-care.

This method can help you:

Find Purpose - Follow the Sacred Life List Method and you'll know how to live a purpose-filled life that's full of passion and pursuit.

Kick Start Your Goals - The Sacred Life List Method will help you figure out what you really want and provide you with the tools to start achieving your goals.

Let Life Shake Things Up a Bit: With The Sacred Life List Method, you won't be held back by fear. Embrace challenges and explore your path with joy and an open mind.


It also can help you:

Be Free - Finding your freedom might sound lofty or silly to some, but not when it feels like you're walking out of a dark tunnel and into the light. If you're thinking about how to be free, we're here to show you the way.

Make Your Day Better - Ditch the stress with our time management method and make your day more manageable for you and your partner without feeling like you're still being pulled in a million different directions.

Find Balance - With this method, find balance in your life and make room for growth in all areas: from your relationships to your education to your own health and well-being. We'll show you how!

What could you do with more time?

• Get Out of the Rut - Life isn't just about work and home, work and home. Life is about the adventures, the experiences, and the memories you build along the way - so get back to living and start your own Sacred Life!

• Be in Control of Your Health - The stress of managing a busy life can make people more prone to anxiety and depression, which can lead to weight gain, illness, and even heart attacks. Start your Sacred Life List to reduce the amount of stress in your life!

• Live Your Dreams - If you've ever felt like you're running out of time or money, then take control and start your list with something as simple as getting a degree or going on a vacation.

Who are your Clients?

This program is designed for women who are self-proclaimed introverts, love-driven, Law of Attraction inspired, and reflective career women who have tried every possible way to organize their lives in a balanced way but have failed on their own.

  • Women who are exhausted from spinning their wheels with little to no results.
  • Tired of guessing whether they're settling or not with their daily tasks and accomplishments
  • Frustrated with failed attempts and uncompleted projects, because "time got away" from them
  • The women who don't have much time to themselves but know something needs to change NOW before they lose out on memories with their kids
  • Women who are ready to finally have a system and a support structure to accomplish goals in the 10 key areas of their lives
  • Women who are ready to invest in themselves today because they know what is at stake if they don't take action immediately

What results do your clients get?

They make boundary based decisions that feel GOOD.

They create BALANCE in all areas of their life, including relationships, finances, home, health, and more!

They learn how to work around memory triggers and discover new ways to address days where their emotions get the best of them (because let's be real, it happens!)

They begin manifesting money, love, better relationships, appreciation at work

They finally have the SECRET to living a Sacred Life.

Does this really work?

YES! The result of our work is an approach to shifting your mindset to help you feel more organized, in control of your progress, and building daily towards your success.


ONE session with Christine helped me find clarity that had been missing. Within one month, I found a new job. By the second session, I had moved into a new apartment, bought a new car, AND found the love of my life. Over the last year under Christine's guidance and support, I created the life I always wanted! My now fiancée and I are getting married soon! It all started with that goal-setting session with Christine! She's the best!!

What results can I expect?

  • Clarity on what you want out of your life and your next steps on how to make them happen
  • A streamlined approach to setting up your schedule, your to-do list, your budget, and more to keep you focused
  • Open-door office hours each week to answer questions to help to transform you from lost and struggling to accomplished and successful
  • Better relationships with your loved ones as you are now able to communicate what you need
  • Master your time to finally spend more quality time with your family
  • Get your time back by accomplishing more in less time

Where do I start?

Answer a few quick questions below and we'll tell you where you should start!

How quickly can I expect results?

That depends on how quickly you can make those inner shifts. Some clients are ready to go and find balance in a short time-frame, even within one session of working with me, while others need more time.

It also depends on how open you are to healing your past, and trusting me to help you break and rebuild your patterns.

How can I guarantee myself that I will create life-balance in record time?

Do all your homework. Be totally committed to your success. Understand that this is a process that works if you take action and implement all of the steps. All of my clients who have diligently applied every step of the Life Balance Lifestyle Renewal has successfully found balance and structure in much less time than they would have on their own AND are living the life of their dreams.

Will I recover the investment I put into this coaching program?

This is a great question, and one to really think about.

To put it into perspective:

  • working with a therapist to help you overcome past traumas would take years and up to $10k+ in bills.
  • Divorce can cost from $14K+
  • Health issues caused by stress of toxic relationships can cost you upwards of $100K.
  • Failing to pursue an education or a better paying position because you are comfortable can cost you over $30K a YEAR!!

And that's just the financial consequences... taking into account time, family involvement (especially if there are kids,) the casualties of not taking action mount to some astounding statistics.

By investing in a coach, you're investing in your ability to learn from someone who has been exactly where you are to guide you to learn your own strength

My favorite quote on this matter is "Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he'll eat forever."

By walking you through these processes, you'll learn how to stand in your own strength, knowing you have full support and encouragement for someone who wants your happiness just as much as you do!

Do you offer 1:1 coaching?

Yes, but only on occasion through my VIP coaching offer. I find the 12-week course is perfect for most already busy, introverted women.

I do offer open-door hours on set time and days that are perfect for additional guidance, and can offer 1:1 setting, especially now as I'm building the program.

If you know you want more individualized coaching, just click the button below for more information!

I'm ready to do this for myself, but I have some more questions. Can we talk?

Absolutely! I love to get a feel for how I can help you. You can email me at [email protected]


You can schedule a 15 minute Coffee Meet and Greet call at no cost to you.

Head to the Facebook page and click on the BOOK NOW button

I can't wait to see you succeed and am honored to be the one to help you. Let's get started!

I can't wait to work with you!

I am a former single working mom who spent years researching the perfect system to achieve goals that served my life purpose.

Sacred Life is the exact tool I created to help me run 6 business ventures, obtain my life coach, relationship coaching, and meditation practitioner certificates, pursue a Master's degree in Metaphysics, run two houses all while raising a son, being the best partner I can be to my significant other (who ALSO runs his own business), and still having free time to play with my pet ducks.

I know these tools can help you, too!